Heal Your Body And Change The World
Corey M.
Oceanside, CA
“I feel amazing every time I participate in a Live4Five dry season event. I have more energy when I break from the normal routine and my health drastically improves. I am less congested which improves my running and surfing. The non-drinking binge provides better clarity, focus and meditation that helps me focus on important tasks I need to accomplish. ”
Ara M.
Clairmont, CA
“It’s always good for me and really everyone, to get a little break from alcohol. It just reminds me of activities that I can do without the need of involving alcohol. Bottom line is it makes me feel so much healthier, it clears up my skin and I lose allot of weight. That’s why I personally love doing live4five and you will too. Join in on the next dry season.”
Kyle M.
Ypsilanti, MI
“I recently completed the Live4five dry season challenge. It wasn't the easiest task to accomplish while being in college and a fraternity. But as someone who has alcoholism in his family, the importance of abstaining from alcohol for periods of time cannot be understated. Thank you to for challenging me to accomplish this feat.”
Katie M.
Clearwater, FL
"Live4Five is an extremely important initiative to help people cleanse their body. Believe me, I know firsthand the negative effects alcohol can have. I used to drink so much that I developed severe health issues with major organs. I am glad to report that I am now alcohol free and I feel great. My body has gone through a tremendous transformation in repairing itself and along with good food and juices, I’m now so healthy."
John S.
Jackson, MI
"Whenever I participate in a Live4Five dry season I notice different changes depending on the week. For example: Week#1 - is always a feeling out week, getting used to not having a beer when bored. Week#2 - I always notice changes like better sleep and more energy. Week#3 - I feel great and hit the gym for some exercise. Week#4 and 5 always sail by with less joint stiffness and less alcohol calories helping me drop 10 lbs each dry season."
Jeremy L.
Carlsbad, CA
“A Live4Fve dry season is definitely something you should do if you care about yourself. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit and Live4Five dry season gives you 35 to form a positive and lasting detox mindset. The non-drinking challenge creates an encouraging environment away from negativity and peer pressure. It’s that positive peer pressure vs. negative peer pressure which is key to my success. The founder understands this dynamic and is passionate about helping the member community succeed which makes all the difference.”
Obi N.
Los Angeles, CA
“Live4Five is such a great idea and I fully support this initiative. An INCREDIBLE thing you are doing. Personally, I’ve never had an appetite for alcohol, Zero. There are many challenges in life and I am grateful it’s not one of mine, God blessed me in that way.”
Obi Ndefo is an American actor, best known as Bodie Wells on the television series Dawson's Creek, Star Trek and other well-known dramas.
Kaitlyn H.
Carlsbad, CA
“I participated in the Live4Fve dry season for the fist time recently. At first, I was a bit skeptical, but wanted to be supportive for my husband who wanted to try it. I am not a daily drinker, but it was hard in the beginning for me to realize I wasn't able to get any relief from daily stress through alcohol. It got much easier as the days past and I was more active than normal and I started feeling much better. Towards the end of the 5 weeks I started to get nervous about drinking again as I was noticing so many benefits from not drinking. I hope that feeling lasts, but it's OK if it doesn't. I look forward to another future break next quarter.”
Kai H.
Carlsbad, CA
"I’ve taken breaks from alcohol in the past but this time I noticed immediate benefits. I felt great: organized, motivated, and calm. The difference was palpable. While I can’t explain not experiencing these benefits from prior alcohol breaks, it may have been a combination of the detox supplements Live4Five recommended and the education of what to expect that made me more cognizant. Either way, it was a game changer. After I finished my dry season I drank the next weekend. The following Monday at work I noticed how much quicker I was to feel daunted and overwhelmed. I have seen a light here and will be back for the next dry season. Thank you, Live4five."
Ann H.
Thank you so much for organizing this great program, good for members and good for others by way of the charities that you also support! This was a great week for my partner, Gary, and me. We were not heavy drinkers by US or British standards but we were in the habit of having a 5 o'clock cocktail or two, and then wine with dinner every night. In the middle of dealing with the isolation of protecting ourselves from COVID-19, your program was suggested to us right at the time that we needed it. In addition to removing alcohol from our daily routine, we exercised more and ate a diet that helped us remove other toxins from our bodies. The combined result has us feeling more focused, energetic and positive at the end of the 5 weeks. It was enlightening and encouraging also to have our weekly chats and to find out how others in our group were doing. I did notice in the last week that I was balancing better in tree pose and the dancer pose in my yoga practice, an improvement that you said might occur during week 5. I feel calmer and more balanced all around as well. Thanks again!
Jason N.
Novi, MI
"Just finishing up my 5 week challenge and still going strong. Going to a party tonight and won't be drinking. Don't miss it at all either. I am probably going to at least my birthday next month without a drink, and maybe beyond. Thank you for challenging me, I feel awesome and I’ve dropped 5 pounds since I started. Most of that was beer weight. Please keep giving me the updates and all happenings that are going on!! Have a great day!"
Sean H.
Carlsbad, CA
"I was very nervous about trying this, but I realized I probably needed the break from alcohol. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I committed and completed the 5 weeks without having a drink. The feelings I had were a range of emotions from feeling sad, depressed, angry, to happy and healthy. Overall it ended up being much easier than I anticipated and I learned a great deal about alcohol and myself through this process. I do realize the benefits that came with it, I am happy I did this and I look forward to trying this again next quarter. I do enjoy drinking and not looking to fully cut that out, but the 5 weeks is doable and probably exactly what I needed and what I most certainly will be ready for next quarter."
Live4Five is a hip, fun nonprofit focused on helping our member community achieve optimal health through periodic breaks from alcohol.
We are dedicated to making non-drinking binges socially acceptable and helping people understand alcohol's negative effects and how to best rejuvenate and heal.
Donations, participation In Live4Five events and t-shirt sales go to supporting important charitable causes in childhood cancer, clean oceans and our member community (YOU.)